The CO2IN, a.s.

Account deletion procedure at CO2IN

At CO2IN, we prioritize your privacy and data security in adherence to the GDPR (for more, see our Privacy policy).

If you wish to close your account and discontinue using our service, please follow the instructions below:

  1. 1.Log in to your CO2IN account:
  2. 2.Access Account Settings:
  3. 3.Navigate to Personal Details:
  4. 4.Permanently close your account:


Account closure cannot be reversed. Before closing your account, please make sure to sell & withdraw any remaining CO2IN/funds first. Any remaining balances will be used to permanently reduce emissions.

Data Retention Post Account Deletion:

Upon confirmation of your account deletion request, CO2IN will initiate the process to erase your account data. Here's how your data will be managed post-deletion:

Thank you for using CO2IN. If you have any further questions regarding account deletion or data retention, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].